Saturday, October 9, 2010

Disneyland-Twice in 2 weeks!!!???

Here's another one with lots of pictures. I went to Disneyland 2 weeks ago with my parents. We hadn't been since April or May so the kids were super excited! We always have fun going with grandma and grandpa, anyway. It was a pretty hot day, but nothing compared to the 105 degree weather we had been having.
Jonah enjoyed it more than he had last time...he was older and more aware of all the fun around him! Grandma and Grandpa came over to meet and drive down with us....Jonah was happy to see grandpa!!!
1st day the park was decorated for Halloween

Jungle Cruise

Jonah thought he was "big stuff" running around Tom Sayer's Island!
Loved her hair so much (done at Gumball Alley) that I had to take a picture of it! :)

Hysterical Mexican Halloween display!

Great Day!!! Lots of fun!
The highlight of Julia's Day......SHE WAS FINALLY TALL ENOUGH FOR SCREAMIN'!!!!

*Then........2 weeks later, the Fays called and asked us to go again! I normally wouldn't go to Disneyland that close together. But, Heidi wanted company and I knew the kids would have fun together. This was a big adventure for me because I was taking all 5 kids, backpack, diaper bad, sweatshirts and stroller by myself. I was looking forward to it, though! It was also supposed to be partly cloudy with a 20% chance of showers. Boy....were they wrong!!!! It was super cloudy and maybe about 20% of the day wasn't rainy!
So happy to be at Disneyland with friends. The rain didn't seem to bother them a bit.

Hot cocoa for all the kids warmed their tummies!

It rained, drizzled, or misted most of the day. I finally had to break down and buy a Disneyland rain poncho to keep the stroller dry. When we would come out of a ride, it would be soaked. :)
Two very different, but fun days!

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