Monday, December 27, 2010

Big News and a Good Explanation (I promise)

Well....if there is ANYONE who still even bothers to read my blog (out of the 2 of you that ever did, when I was writing regularly), I think I owe you an explanation for my absence. I would have explained sooner, but couldn't.

Around the time that I stopped posted regularly, was around the same time that my morning sickness kicked in. heard right...morning sickness. I am sure you are not nearly as shocked as we were but we are starting to get use to the idea now. In 2 days, I will be 14 weeks. We told our parents and our children on Christmas. Now that my kids know, it will be public knowledge!

It's hard to believe that in about a month, we will know the gender of the baby. Everyone in our house is praying HARD for a girl. However, we realize that we seem to make boys a little easier than girls. We also know that God chooses for us, exactly what he wants us to have, and what is best for us. So, we will be thankful for whatever precious gift he chooses to give us.

For those who care, I am due in June, again! Jonah will be 2 in June, right before this baby is due. That will be our 3rd June birthday.

Anyway, I thought things would make more sense  (to anyone who bothers to read this blog), now that you know why I have been so absent. The last couple months, I have been on survival mode....adjusting to the news....trying to figure out how I will get by with more on my plate....rejoicing that Jonah will have a playmate and that we will see another baby in our house....dealing with sickness....going to bed right when the kids do...homeschooling in PJs lots of days...etc. You get the picture. It's almost comical. I was off to such a great start to this school year and was on a real roll with my attempted organization and healthier cooking, etc....all to come to a screeching halt! I know it will all be worth it and I am going to attempt to ease back into the blogging. I do need to be realistic, though, with my expectations!

Thanks to the 1 or 2 of you that may read this!!!! Otherwise, it is here for my documentation! A new and exciting journey is ahead!


April Harnish said...

Very excited for you. Yeah! The Lord is blessing your socks off.

Christine said...

Okay I must be #2! CONGRATULATIONS! I amglad the Lord has blessed you again :). I told you that you had to have another for Jonah. June is a great month for a birthday. I will be praying for you all!

Andrea Cervantes said...

You guys are so sweet. Thank you for the encouragement. I did feel that way, Christine, for Jonah. I never felt ready, however, to actively "try" because of how busy life is....though I kind of always secretly hoped I was pregnant every month :). So, I am thankful for the Lord's providence and intervention and I know that down the road, I will feel like I wouldn't change a thing. It will just be a busy few years!!!

Andrea Cervantes said...

Oh...and one last thought....I don't want any of you to think this will go on and on (until we have our own TV show). Pretty sure our family will feel "complete" after this. I am 38 and feeling old. I'm sure my husband will be having surgery next summer with my blessing (although.....I will always miss having a "baby"! :)

FishMama said...

Congratulations! 6 is a nice even number. ;) Speaking from experience....

Take it easy!

Andrea Cervantes said...

Jessica....I thought of you right away! Thank you. And, yes...I like even numbers!

Kelli said...

YAY!!!!!!! So great!

Kelly Sullivan said...

So excited with this news!!! What a blessing this baby will be! Can't wait to know the gender. Lots of love to you and your family!

Julie Gebhards said...

Congrats! SO happy for you!! Hope you are feeling great! Much love to you. ~Julie