Saturday, August 21, 2010

Home from the Doll Hospital!.....

Julia is really into her American Girl Dolls right ow. the 1st one she got was when she turned 6. It was a look-alike doll. then, when she turned 7, she got Rebbecca. Our friends, the Fays, graciously and generously passed Felicity onto us, as they outgrew this phase. (They also passed on her horse and several of Felicity's outfits and accessories). When we received her, she had some minor repairs that were needed because of all the love she received from her former family. So, we decided to send her off to the Doll Hospital. Julia would ask about every other day when Felicity would get home. We......she came home!!! And, Julia was thrilled!!!! She was dressed in a hospital gown, with a hospital bracelet and had a certificate of good health! Had to capture this moment of sheer delight! Oh, how I love to see my kids get excited!

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